Upcoming Events

Workshops: So You Want To Chant Om & Namaste? with Tejal (2 days)
to May 19

Workshops: So You Want To Chant Om & Namaste? with Tejal (2 days)

Join Tejal for 2 days of education about using spiritual terms with respect and so much more. Together we’ll discuss ways to avoid generic definitions, and actively dismantle culturally inappropriate norms by exploring and deepening our collective understanding. In this 5hr online training, we’ll open conversations around the updated context and nuance of using spiritual terms. Your time includes an interactive presentation, readings, chanting, story sharing, breakout room discussions, and workshopping on alternate phrases.

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Pranayama & Breath with Melissa

Pranayama & Breath with Melissa

In May's pranayama class, you'll be guided through 3 simple and powerful techniques to build self-awareness through awareness of your breath. You will be invited to explore your perceptions and relationship to your breath, and thus your state in each moment.

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Mantra & Chanting with Melissa

Mantra & Chanting with Melissa

In this month's mantra practice, you will be invited to use the power of your voice to cultivate and share compassion within yourself and those around you. You'll be guided through intentional breathing, and learn two mantras that focus on wishing wellbeing and ease within yourself and for the world.

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BIPOC Restorative Yoga for Trans Day of Visibility with Rebby Kern

BIPOC Restorative Yoga for Trans Day of Visibility with Rebby Kern

Join for 1 hour of BIPOC Centered Restorative Yoga with Guest Teacher Rebby Kern

Honoring rest for our trans gender, gender non-conforming, TGNCI2S+ community and accomplices.

“I'm experiencing great joy to offer this practice at Tejal Yoga because it is time for our transgender and gender nonconforming community to honor rest. May this practice inspire you to offer rest to those around you through all you do.“ - Rebby

Rebby Kern (they/them)

is a wandering spirit shining light into the lives of others. Rebby’s personal mission is to operate from connection, seeking justice and empowering voices.

Rebby generates space for connection, empowerment and self-discovery through their 10+ years in LGBTQ policy and activism drawing connections to yoga asana and philosophy while uplifting experiences of historically underestimated identities.

Their experience drives their passion to include diverse identities around race, gender identity, sexual orientation, body, disability and more.

Additional resources:

Finding Refuge Podcast - Michelle Cassandra Johnson - Episode 6 Grounded Wisdom 



Forward Together landing page for Transgender Day of Visibility; includes a Zine for download, poetry and selected artwork from transgender artists. 


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