Decolonize yoga

with social justice focused community

Tejal Yoga Memberships

Great value, continuing education discounts, 1 on 1 connection, and more.

Memberships are no-fee to start, easy to cancel, and sliding scale.

Drop in, Class Packs, Gift Certificates, and On-Demand

Special Discounts

  • Experiencing financial strain or race, ethnic, or caste-related stress

  • Identify as a PGM/BIPOC individual or someone who teaches yoga

Send an email for financial assistance.

New to Tejal Yoga?

All classes are accessible, offered through a trauma-informed lens and we regularly work with your feedback to improve quality of our instruction and your student experience.

Registration closes 15 minutes before class time.

New? Try out our next Free Class here.

Reserve your next practice

  • Explore connection to the self, showing self compassion and how that can travel and translate outwards to your community.


  • This class includes group check-in and a flow-based practice with considerations for accessibility and fat-bodied students.


  • During this exploration of pranayama and breath control, your guide will focus on what is causing stuck breath - mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually.


  • Ground in meditation & reflection with the support of mudra, mantra, and more to explore your own experience.


  • Mindfulness-based practice where you can explore a place of gentle reminders and soft opening paired with philosophy readings.


  • To start our day in a meaningful way including meditation, readings & mantra, traditional Surya Namaskara & pranayama to generate heat in the body. Modifications available.


  • Dive into guided meditation within specific philsophical ideas and questions at the intersection of now. For all levels.


  • Center & ground yourself in focused study, study verses from Bhagavad Gita & Yoga Sutra, gather in discussion to unpack meaning.


Class Descriptions

Class times are listed in Eastern timezone

Click here for a timezone converter

Meet The Team

Everyone on the Tejal Yoga Team embodies an authentic approach to yoga and mindfulness.

We are passionate about:

  • Decolonizing Wellness in Yoga and Beyond

  • Being Justice Focused

  • Normalizing Accessibility in practice

  • Our Commitment to Culture

“Yoga is literally the opposite of escapism; it's a trauma-informed practice.

What yoga tells you is to be present, to work through the emotional discomfort. So if you're buying into a studio culture that only makes you feel good, that only tells you you're OK, even when you're not feeling well, you're not actually gaining the real long-term benefit of yoga.”